Saturday, November 24, 2007

Connections due 12/17

Respond to one of the following:

What connections can you make between what you are learning in class and the real world? That is, can you think of any applications besides those that we may have done in class or you have seen in the textbook? Explain the connections.

What do you foresee yourself studying in college or when you graduate high school? How do you think math is related? Find information online to back up your thoughts.

How is the math that we are doing in class related to your interests outside of class? Find information online to back up your thoughts.

Be sure to spell check and proofread your work.

Friday, November 2, 2007

End of Quarter Reflection due 11/16


Thinking about how well you learned the material is not as easy as it sounds. It is a skill that has to be learned. It is one of the most important skills you can develop. Being able to think about how well you understand the mathematics you have been exposed to will help you study mathematics successfully.

The first step is to think about the material you were responsible for.
Respond to each category below by writing either
1) I did all of the work required,
2) I did most of the work required
3) I didn't do much
4) I didn't do any.

Write the category and then the comment (i.e. Assignments - I didn't do much...with all categories). Then answer the 2 questions below.

Studying for quizzes
Studying for tests
Reworking problems that you misunderstood
Making up work & checking the eboard when absent.

Question 1: What have you done WELL in this class? Write a brief statement.
Question 2: Think about what you can do to improve your ability to be successful in this course. Write a brief statement about your strategy for success.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BLOG #5 due Oct 25

Choose something to write about;

1 Write about the most significant thing that you have learned in math in the past 2 weeks.
2 Write about what questions you still have or something that you are not sure about.
3 Write about what is working for you in this class.
4 Write about what is not working for you in this class.
5 How do you like blogging so far?

Choose 2 classmates' blogs to comment on and check your own blog for comments occasionally.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Geometry/Algebra 2/Algebra Blog #3/4

DUE 10/8 with comments on 3 classmates' posts.

1) Reflect on your goal that you posted in Post #2. Have you focused on this goal? Is it working? If not, think about how you can make it work.

2) Name 3 things that you have learned so far in this class related to the material. Be specific. (I.E. how to do a probability problem Or vs And, how to figure out how many possible choices you could have from a menu...etc)

Name 2 topics that you feel very good about that you could teach to a friend.

Name 1 topic that you need more help on.

These can be topics or types of problems.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Due Sept 27

1) Give an example of a REFLECTION, ROTATION, and TRANSLATION that you see everyday.

2) Give an example of a shape that has symmetry and explain where the line of symmetry is.

3) Tell how many sides is in a figure with an interior angle of 30 degrees. Explain why!

On this assignment, we will comment on 3 other classmates' blogs. Try to see if you can do it - we will be doing it togeter in class too. Go to a classmates' blog in google reader, and at the bottom, go to 0 comments/1 comment, click on it, and make your comment on their post. Respectful & helpful, do not judge.

Please reference the eboard under the Geometry tab for BLOG POSTING RUBRIC.

Algebra 1 Blog #3

Due Oct 1

Make up an example of

1) An equation with no solution

2) An equation with infinite solutions

3) A equation/rule that has a growth factor of 4 and 10 squares in figure 2.

EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS after each question.

Please reference the eboard under the Algebra 1 tab for BLOG POSTING RUBRIC.

On this one, we will comment on 3 other classmates' blogs. Try to see if you can do it - we will be doing it togeter in class too. Go to a classmates' blog in google reader, and at the bottom, go to 0 comments/1 comment, click on it, and make your comment on their post. Respectful & helpful, do not judge.

Algebra 2 POST #3

On your blog, post the following:(due by September 25th)

1) Create your own brunch menu of AT LEAST THREE ITEMS where the total number of ways a customer can order brunch is 100.

2) Create a word problem whose answer is 5!

3) Create a word problem with answer 35 using combinations.

On this one, we will comment on 3 other classmates' blogs. Try to see if you can do it - we will be doing it togeter in class too. Go to a classmates' blog in google reader, and at the bottom, go to 0 comments/1 comment, click on it, and make your comment on their post. Respectful & helpful, do not judge.

Please reference the eboard under the Algebra 2 tab for BLOG POSTING RUBRIC.

Monday, September 10, 2007

How's it going? due 9/28

ALGEBRA 1: DUE 9/28.
POST: How are your first few weeks of school going? What goals have you made for this class for this year? How will you acheive your goals? Homework is a daily part of this class. How will you ensure that you will complete the homework daily? Will this be a problem for you? What things have been helpful in this class and helped you to learn in this class? What things have been difficult so far? Select one thing to focus on for the next 2 weeks to further your progress in this class.

Ideas: Check homework answers for correctness, Get a study buddy, Go for extra help,
Review my notes each night

Please reference the eboard under your class tab for BLOG POSTING RUBRIC.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Assignment #1 - WATCH THIS VIDEO!

After watching the video, please comment appropriately below, keeping in mind the acceptable use policy.

The Biography of YOU! Assignment #2

Write a biography of you that will help me & your classmates to get to know you as an individual, addressing each of the topics below, using the suggested questions to get started:

ABOUT YOU: By what name do you like to be called? What are your interests, talents, and hobbies? What are you proud of? With whom do you live? What languages do you speak? When is your birthday? What clubs/sports/activities do you participate in both outside and inside of school? How many, if any, siblings do you have? What are you like as a member of a team? In what ways are you excited about working in a team? In what ways are you nervous about it?

ABOUT YOU AS A MATH STUDENT: Describe your memories as a math student from kindergarten until now. What experiences in math have you liked? Why? How do you feel about taking this class? Have you ever worked in a team in math class before? What things have helped you to be successful in the past in math?

**Since proper spelling and grammar is required, it is recommended that you type this document in word or any word processing program and paste it to your posting spot.